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Travel insurance is an essential safety net for travelers, offering protection against a wide range of unexpected events such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost baggage, and more. Despite its importance, not everyone opts to purchase travel insurance when planning a trip. Understanding how common travel insurance is among travelers can help you make informed decisions about your own travel needs. In this blog, we’ll delve into the prevalence of travel insurance, explore factors that influence its adoption, and discuss why some travelers choose to go without it.

General Statistics on Travel Insurance

Global Adoption Rates

The percentage of travelers purchasing travel insurance varies widely across the globe. On average, about 38% of travelers worldwide choose to buy travel insurance, but this rate fluctuates depending on the region. In North America, particularly in the United States and Canada, the adoption rate is relatively high, with about 55-60% of travelers opting for coverage. In Europe, the rate is slightly lower, averaging around 40-45%, while in Asia, the adoption rate can be as low as 20-25%, depending on the country.

Trends Over Time

Over the past decade, the rate of travel insurance purchases has seen significant fluctuations. Before 2020, the adoption of travel insurance was steadily rising, with more travelers recognizing the importance of safeguarding their trips. However, the COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered the landscape. During the pandemic, there was a sharp increase in travel insurance purchases, with many policies offering specific coverage for pandemic-related issues, such as trip cancellations due to quarantine requirements or medical emergencies abroad. The trend has continued post-pandemic, with travelers now more aware of the potential risks associated with travel and more likely to insure their trips.

Factors Influencing the Purchase of Travel Insurance

Traveler Demographics

Age plays a significant role in the likelihood of purchasing travel insurance. Older travelers, particularly those over 50, are more inclined to buy travel insurance due to the increased risk of medical issues. In contrast, younger travelers, especially those under 30, are less likely to see the value in purchasing insurance, often due to a perceived invincibility and lower risk. Additionally, business travelers are generally more likely to purchase travel insurance than leisure travelers, as business trips often involve non-refundable bookings and tight schedules.

Destination Risk Levels

The risk level associated with the travel destination also heavily influences the decision to purchase insurance. Travelers heading to regions with higher health risks, political instability, or natural disaster susceptibility are more likely to opt for insurance. For example, trips to remote areas with limited healthcare access or countries with a history of political unrest often prompt travelers to secure comprehensive coverage.

Type of Travel

The type of trip can significantly impact the decision to purchase travel insurance. International travelers are much more likely to buy insurance compared to those traveling domestically, due to the higher costs and potential complications involved with international travel. Additionally, travelers engaging in adventure or high-risk activities, such as skiing, scuba diving, or trekking, are more likely to purchase specialized travel insurance that covers these activities.

Common Reasons for Purchasing Travel Insurance

Medical Emergencies

One of the most compelling reasons for purchasing travel insurance is the concern over medical emergencies. Healthcare costs abroad can be exorbitant, and many countries require upfront payment for medical services. Travel insurance can cover these unexpected expenses, providing peace of mind and financial protection.

Trip Cancellations and Interruptions

Travel plans can change unexpectedly due to various reasons, such as illness, family emergencies, or natural disasters. Travel insurance that covers trip cancellations and interruptions ensures that travelers can recoup non-refundable costs, such as flights, hotel bookings, and tours.

Lost or Delayed Baggage

Another common reason for purchasing travel insurance is the coverage it provides for lost, stolen, or delayed baggage. Insurance can help travelers replace essential items and cover the cost of purchasing necessities until their luggage is recovered.

Peace of Mind

For many travelers, the primary reason for purchasing travel insurance is the peace of mind it offers. Knowing that you’re protected against a wide range of potential issues allows you to focus on enjoying your trip rather than worrying about what might go wrong.

Common Reasons for Not Purchasing Travel Insurance

Perceived Low Risk

Some travelers believe that the risks associated with their trip are minimal and that insurance is unnecessary. This is particularly common among those traveling domestically or to familiar destinations where they feel confident they can handle any issues that arise.

Cost Concerns

The cost of travel insurance can be a deterrent for some travelers, particularly those on a tight budget. However, the cost of travel insurance is often minimal compared to the potential financial impact of an unexpected event.

Lack of Awareness

Many travelers are simply unaware of the benefits and availability of travel insurance. Without a clear understanding of what travel insurance covers, they may overlook the need for it.

Overlapping Coverage

Some travelers believe that their existing insurance policies, such as health insurance or coverage provided by credit cards, offer sufficient protection. While these policies may offer some coverage, they often do not provide the comprehensive protection that travel insurance does.

Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Insurance Trends

Increased Awareness

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly increased awareness of travel insurance. With many travelers experiencing trip cancellations, delays, and medical emergencies due to the pandemic, the value of travel insurance became more apparent. As a result, there was a surge in travel insurance purchases, particularly policies that offered COVID-19 specific coverage.

Changes in Coverage

In response to the pandemic, many travel insurance providers introduced new coverage options specifically addressing COVID-19-related issues. These included coverage for trip cancellations due to quarantine requirements, medical expenses related to COVID-19, and even coverage for extended stays due to travel restrictions.


Travel insurance is an important consideration for anyone planning a trip. While its adoption varies by region, age group, and type of travel, the benefits it offers in terms of protection and peace of mind are undeniable. Whether you’re traveling internationally or domestically, for business or leisure, considering travel insurance can save you from unexpected financial burdens and allow you to enjoy your trip with confidence.

If you’re planning a trip soon, take the time to evaluate your needs and consider purchasing travel insurance. It’s a small investment that can make a big difference. At Agora Expat, we offer a range of travel insurance options tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more and ensure that your next adventure is fully protected.