+33 (0)9 77 21 99 60     contact@agoraexpat.com

Legal information

Agoraexpat is a French brokerage simplified corporation, with a capital of 300 euros.

Head office: 91  rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, France

Matriculated at the Paris register of businesses and companies under the number 754 012 730, and registered at ORIAS under the number 12 068 657

E-mail address: contact@agoraexpat.com

Phone number: +33 (0)9 77 21 99 60

Publication director: Eric Thoby, Director of AgoraExpat

Hosted by OVH, simplified corporation, domiciled 2 RUE KELLERMANN 59100 Roubaix, France
Phone number: +212 5 22 26 00 86

I. Your personal data

1. What are the collected data for?
When someone ask for a quote or subscribe online, they have to fill a form with personal information useful to process the request. Those personal data are necessary to process the request and assess the price.

2. Who access data?
AgoraExpat team members in order to call you back and/or to send you a commercial proposal suited.

Also, depending on circumstances:
Insurance companies, re-insurer, wholesale brokers requested to consider your request, to subscribe and manage your policy, to fight fraud, to improve our products or to provide offers. In this context, your data can be transferred toward third countries to the European union through a high level of protection or through adequate guarantees as data’s protection’s standard clauses adopted by the European Commission or even based on exemptions laid down on the article 49 of the regulation 2016/679, known as data protection’s general regulation.
The mediator seized and authorities legally allowed to process your requests.
Insurers, re-insurers, Tracfin to anti-money laundering and terrorist financing.
Your personal data will be kept as long as necessary as prescribed by applicable laws.

3. What are your rights?
In accordance with the provisions of the regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 04/27/2016 on data protection, the user have a right to access, to correct, to delete (inexact, incomplete, equivocal, expired data or whose processing would be unlawful), to object, to restrict the process (in cases provided for by law) and the transferability (in cases provided for by law) of data concerning him, and a right to determine guidelines concerning data conservation, cancellation and communication after his death.
The user can use his rights contacting AgoraExpat by e-mail: contact@agoraexpat.com; by phone: +33(0)977219960 or by mail: AgoraExpat, 91 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, France.

The user can submit a claim to the National Commission of informatics and liberty, online or by mail, if he consider his rights are not respected, after contacting AgoraExpat.

The user can oppose solicitations of AgoraExpat anytime. the user can also oppose e-mail solicitations unsubscribing by the link in received e-mails. To oppose phone solicitation, the user can submit a claim to Opposetel (www.bloctel.gouv.fr), in accordance to article L121-34 of Code of consumption.

II. Property

The website www.agoraexpat.com and its different pages giving access to services, and all elements implemented to unable services operation, including photographs, pictures, animations, software, brands, logo, script, interfaces, icons, drawings, graphics are protected by industrial and intellectual property’s right in the whole world.

Generally, the access to the website and services doesn’t confer to the user any prerogative on intellectual property rights related to data, that stay AGORAEXPAT S.A.S. exclusive property.
The user is allowed to copy website pages for a personal using only. Apart from this, the user is not allowed to copy, replicate, represent, change, translate, create derivatives, deliver all or part of data or operate and use them in any way outside the service used.

Any unauthorized or illegal data using may result in civil and criminal responsibility according to existing law.

III. Applicable law

This present website is regulated by French law. Any litigation will be submitted to Paris competent court.

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