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Our advice to choose your health insurance

Identify your health needs, habits and potential medical risks

To find out what kind of coverage suits you, it’s about defining your past or future medical habits. Take the time to analyze your expectations. Examples of questions to ask to yourself:
– Do I want to cover myself only in case of emergency or do I want to be free to consult my doctor when I want to?
– Do I have specific medical conditions that require special medical monitoring?
– What are the needs that I must absolutely cover when I am abroad?

Anticipate the health environment and the cost of health care of your host country

– What are the medical fees charged in my host country?
– What is the quality and level of care to expect from the new host country?
Depending on the characteristics of your country of expatriation, opt for an insurance policy adapted to these elements.

Choose a suitable type of insurance policy and choose well your insurance coverage

– CFE Complement (Caisse des Français de l’Etranger), 1st EURO or Dollar cover, or choice of a local provider?
– Hospitalization expenses only or all type of health costs?
– Health coverage in the host country or global coverage?
– Am I insured in France when I come back?

Compare health insurance offers abroad and check the reputation and legitimacy of the insurance company.

Do you know the insurance company that the broker or the website provides?

Carefully look at the insurance coverage and the reimbursement conditions

The more flexible the contract is, the more insurance coverage options there are and the easiest it is for the expat to find the most suitable solution.

– What are the different insurance coverages provided by the insurer?
What is the territoriality of the contract?
– How are reimbursements calculated and on what basis?
– Presence of a maximum ceiling of reimbursement per year. If so, what is it?
– Are there any optional coverages such as repatriation assistance, liability insurance, provident insurance (payment of capital in the event of death, incapacity, or payment of daily benefits)?

Check the reimbursement methods

– How do your health care expenses are managed?
– What is your abroad health expenses reimbursement’s deadline?
– Do you have to apply for an agreement with your insurer before to initiate some of your health expenses?
– How can requests for reimbursement be made?
– What steps can be taken online?

Check if there is some deductible or insurance cap
Identify the services included in the contract

Third-party payment, direct payment of hospitalization expenses, repatriation, … Your insurance contract must facilitate your reimbursements.

Be aware of the exclusions

Some claims may not be covered by your health insurance.

Compare different policies’ costs

Finally, compare the costs:

– Do you benefit from a discount on the insurance premium for an annual rather than split payment?
– What are the means of payment?
– Is there a membership fee?
– Can you choose the payment currency of your contract?

AgoraExpat, a specialist in health insurance solutions, offers you contracts with adjustable guarantees according to your specific needs.

Our teams answer all your questions to help you choose the international health insurance that is right for you all over the world.

Contact us today

We will determine together
the insurance best suited to your needs.